HEPP'S Salt Bar Returning to Yamashiro's Farmer's Market April 4th


Gourmet Eating, Drinking Under The

Stars At Yamashiro Farmer’s Market

April 1, 2013 6:00 AM
(credit: LA City Farm) (credit: LA City Farm) On April 4, iconic restaurant Yamashiro will once again transform its parking lot into a nighttime farmers market with a view. More that just a place to shop for vegetables and fruit, market producer Nick Spano has created a magical night market where people gather to eat dinner and sip wine under the stars. The Thursday night gathering is family friendly and fun for all ages. Vendors include a wide range of flavors from Bolani East & West Gourmet Vegan Afghan Food and Pressed Juicery to Flat Iron Truck and Scotty B’s Hot Sauces. The market is easy to access by taking advantage of the free parking at the Mosaic Church on Hollywood and La Brea, then boarding a shuttle bus for a short ride up to Yamashiro.  These five Yamashiro Market vendors offer not-to-be-missed dishes, beverages, and artisanal foods.
(credit: Beata Bernina) (credit: Beata Bernina)  

Heirloom LA

www.heirloomla.com Ask just about anyone in LA who you trust for food recommendations and you are likely to hear one name for catering, Heirloom LA. Let’s start with two words: lasagna cupcakes. No, it is not a silly confection made to look like a piece of mom’s tomatoey goo on curly noodles. At Heirloom LA, their savory lasagna cupcakes are crafted from handmade pasta and any fresh organic vegetables or protein filling the talented chefs can dream up. Think…artichoke confit, lamb ragu, wild boar bolognese, or butternut squash and you get the idea. At Yamashiro Farmers Market the Heirloom LA truck menu board will be filled with great options of salads, pastas, and much more.
(credit: Brian Leatart) (credit: Brian Leatart)  


eatcoolhaus.com What began here in Los Angeles as a concept to build the best ice cream sandwich inspired by contemporary architects has evolved into a thriving business that has expanded to Austin, Dallas, Miami and New York. Their original adorable postal trucks have been redressed as ice cream trucks. So when you see one at Yamashiro or around town, be sure to line up and construct your dream ice cream sandwich – and it will be worth every calorie. It’s much less expensive that building your dream home and tastes amazing.
(credit: Amparo Rios) (credit: Amparo Rios)  


www.longshotcoffee.com Australians are known to be somewhat obsessed with making coffee. On just about any street corner in Sydney or Melbourne, you are likely to be able to find a great cup of coffee. Thankfully, Mark Baird moved to Los Angeles to share his coffee know-how with Longshot’s mobile espresso bars. Every Thursday night at Yamashiro, order a flat white or long black (ask Mark about for a lesson on Australian coffee lingo) and sip while you savor the sunset. Longshot is available for private events and will make anything from a classic cold brew to a frothy frappe to help caffeinate your guests.
(credit: Hepp's Salt Co.) (credit: Hepp’s Salt Co.)  

Hepp’s Salt Co.

www.heppssalt.com Hepp’s Salt Co. sells smoked salts, natural salt blends, cooking salts, and finishing salts as well as all natural gourmet sugars perfect for cocktails, topping desserts and more. In addition to the Yamashiro market on Thursday night Hepp’s has salt bars at several Southern California locations including Crafted at the Port of LA and the Larchmont Farmers Market.
(credit: Nuttin Butter) (credit: Nuttin Butter)  

Nuttin’ Butter Artisan Nut Butters

nuttinbutter.tumblr.com It’s a fact that fresh nut butters taste better than ones that have been sitting on the grocery shelf for months. Nuttin’ Butter harnesses the flavors of freshly ground nuts into fun flavor combinations. Before you leave Yamashiro Farmers Market, pick up a container of Three Amigos, which is made with almonds, peanuts and cashews. Or try the salted chocolate almond butter, or for a fun twist, the buzzed almond butter with coffee.

L.A. City Farm at Yamashiro

Yamashiro 1999 North Sycamore Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90068 www.yamashirorestaurant.com lacityfarm.com The Yamashiro Farmers Market runs every Thursday night from 5 to 9 p.m. through September.
Julie Wolfson (@juliewolfson) is a freelance writer living in Los Angeles. She covers travel, lifestyle, art, pop culture, cocktails and food for Cool Hunting and several other media outlets. Most days you’ll find her out and about in Southern California and around the world tracking down stories about talented people doing amazing things.
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